Plurals - full sentences

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Plurals - full sentences


Exercise 608 is designed for students who have already been introduced to plural nouns. If students don't know them yet, we recommend doing exercise 607 first. The task is to listen to sentences and write them correctly. Each sentence has a plural noun. One may change the difficulty of the exercise by changing levels in the settings.

Plurals - full sentences

There are 5 categories:
Level 1 - adding 's' e.g. bags, books, teachers
Level 2 - adding 'es' when a word ends with s, ss, sh, ch, x, o e.g. boxes, dresses
           - not removing 'y' and adding 's' when the word ends with a vowel + y e.b. toys, boys
Level 3 - removing 'y' when the word ends with a consonant + y and adding 'ies' e.g. strawberries
           - removing 'f' or 'fe' when a word ends with those and adding 'ves' e.g. knives, thieves
exceptions - all irregular nouns e.g. teeth, feet, men
randomised - all levels